
Pretending, Creating and Imagining

Our preschool children are typically three years of age prior to Sept 30th. Each day has large blocks of time for free-play as well as structured activities. Social interaction and learning through play is strongly encouraged. Each day begins with circle time followed by snack and teacher directed activities. Our outdoor play yard is the perfect place to explore outside and engage in physical activity to really wake up the senses. Dramatic play and art areas, as well as books and learning games are always available for independent learning. Song and dance is a great alternative to “desk learning” and is used on a daily basis. Kids Zumba and Shawn the Storyteller are also a component of our pre-school curriculum.

Monthly calendars are sent home to alert parents to special days like pajama day. The curriculum in this classroom is based around monthly themes. The students in the pre-school are working toward independence in putting their coats and boots on and off, putting their dishes away and cleaning up after play or activity. Through self-directed as well as teacher directed activities strong emphasis is placed on fine and gross motor development. It is truly amazing to watch the progress from September to June in this classroom!

*Progress reports will be sent home in January and Report cards in June. A portfolio will also be given at the end of the school year.